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Kalkar (China Syndrome Pleasure Dome)

This is a video project departing from its original soundtrack, that Drem Bruinsma did in 1995-96, funded in its days by TKF in Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Subject is a nuclear breeder power plant that never went online, as such becoming one of Europe's most expensive industrial ruins, and at present converted into a theme park. Location: Kalkar, Germany. After the camera has captured various impressions from the outside of the complex it moves down some steps, leading to an underground service entrance, through which the spectator is taken into the bowels of this gigantic monster...

Released 25 May 1996. Written, played and produced by Drem Bruinsma, with the guest appearance of Blaine L. Reininger on violin. Recorded in Amsterdam, winter of 1995. Ass. engineer: Karel Von Kleist. Remastered @ Chumberos, Spain, 2012 by BlindººCoyote.

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